CN operates a number of local trains in New Brunswick. They include:
- 534 Moncton east on the Springhill Subdivision
- 536/537 Moncton west on the Napadogan Subdivision
- 539 Moncton local
- 546 Moncton local and east on the Springhill Subdivision
- 570/571 Edmundston east on the Napadogan Subdivision
- 588 Moncton-Clover Hill potash trains (suspended in 2005)
- 594/595 McCullys (Sussex)-Courtenay Bay (Saint John) potash local
Special thanks go out to Wendell Lemon, who supplied most of the information and many of the words on this page.
Train 534
Train 534 typically runs on weekdays, and works east of Moncton on the Springhill Subdivision.
It works the Scoudouc spur, the Caledonia industrial park,
the Dieppe spur, Amherst and Oxford Junction.
Trains 536/537
Train 537 runs west from Moncton and returns as train 536. It switches the few industries on the line, such as Irving Lumber in Chipman. It can run all the way to Juniper if time permits.
It is rare these days, as its functions are usually handled by 570/571.
Train 539
Train 539 is a Moncton local and works the Franklin spur, the ‘P’ Zone and the industrial parks near Gordon Yard off Edinburgh Drive.

Train 546
Local 546 in the 70s & 80s used to work a bit east of Moncton and on the Sussex Subdivision.
Now it occassionally works the industrials around Moncton and a bit east.
When it worked the Sussex Sub, it did Havelock, Hillsborough, Sussex, and Sunday only to Saint John.
Trains 570/571
Train 570 runs east from Edmundston and returns as train 571. It switches the industries on the line, and can run all the way to Chipman if necessary and time permits.
Trains 594/595
CN 594/595 works between McCullys mine outside Sussex and Courtenay Bay in Saint John.
Since September 2005, it works out of Saint John to McCullys a couple of days a week.
The power is usually borrowed from CN 406.
CN 4722 switches its train outside Gordon Yard in Moncton.