You may remember that I featured Nick Lafreniere’s LEGO® VIA Rail “Canadian” a while ago. He was trying to get 10,000 supporters in order to get the LEGO company to consider it for a kit. Well, he made it! It’s now being evaluated and hopefully they’ll give it the green light.
Heck, even VIA Rail itself supports it.
I’m very happy for Nick.
Now he needs your help to support the Corridor train. This is intended to be a LEGO kit with a locomotive and two LRC cars – a business car and an economy class car.

LEGO is super fun to build, and I think it would be great to have these cars available as a LEGO kit.
Nick’s design has a ton of detail, both on the outside and the inside. Look at these interiors!

I believe Nick intends to offer the “as built” F40PH-2 locomotive with this kit. The “Renaissance” upgraded locomotive was offered with the “Canadian” kit, so if you had both kits, you could mix and match!

I hope I’ve convinced you that this project deserves your support. How do you help?
Follow this link and click on the SUPPORT button in the top right. You will have to create an account on LEGO, but don’t worry, they won’t spam you with anything.
Please consider helping Nick get this VIA Rail kit made.