The Old Cloak

[written just over a year ago]

I’m not old, but I’m getting there.

It’s been 56 years and one day since I emerged into this world. Today I’m surrounded by people older than me, some older than my parents, as we travel along the sunlit north shore of Lake Superior to see the fall colours and ride a few trains through the rugged Canadian Shield.

Talking with them and listening to their stories, I marvel that they have chosen to spend five days doing this, often sitting on a bus for hours crossing the vast distances between cities. Many people have physical challenges that make it difficult to walk or climb, yet here they are.

I am fortunate that I don’t currently have any significant mobility challenges, but I try to be mindful that the time will come when I can’t do everything that I would like to do.

I hope that I will have a positive attitude like the people on this bus, who can’t move like they used to, but don’t let it stop them from seeing the things they want to see.

For now I can try on the “old” cloak and see how it feels.

(also see Riding The Agawa Canyon Train and Riding the Budd Cars)