Atlantic Canada Books

The following is my collection of books relating to railroading in Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador).

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Built For WarJay Underwood1-897190-00-XDescribes the Intercolonial Railway's creation.
Canadian National in the East, Volume 4Keith Littleward19950-919487-50-5
Canadian Pacific's Dominion Atlantic Railway, Volume 1Gary W Ness19950-919487-29-7
Canadian Pacific's Dominion Atlantic Railway, Volume 2Gary W Ness19950-919487-49-1
Cinders & SaltwaterShirley E Woods19921-55109-027-9
Diesels in the Maritimes and NewfoundlandRoger G Steed19950-919487-51-3
Everybody Loves a VeteranRon Jackson2011About the VIA Rail "Veteran Train"
From Folly to FortuneJay Underwood978-1-897190-23-4
The Guysboro RailwayBruce MacDonald19731897-1939
Historic Fredericton NorthTed and Anita Jones978-1-55109-635-3Good data on railways in Fredericton/Devon
Historical Data on Albert County RailwaysJ A Clowes2003
The Inverness and Richmond RailwayAllister W D MacBean19870-919928-02-1
Iron Roads - Railways of Nova ScotiaDavid E Stephens1972
Loyalist City StreetcarsFred Angus19790-919130-29-1
The Ocean LimitedDouglas N W Smith
The Old Prince Edward Island RailwayStanley LeClerc1-55109-353-7
Old Railway Stations of the MaritimesPeter M Latta19980-9683769-0-8
A Photo History of the Prince Edward Island Railway (3rd Ed)Allan Graham20010-9687204-0-4
A Railway to the Isles: A History of the Strait of Canso Railway Car FerriesTed Rafuse20050-9685474-1-9
Railways of New BrunswickDavid Nason19920-920483-38-0
Railways of New Brunswick: A HistoryDan Soucoup2010
Scenic Rail Guide to Central & Atlantic CanadaBill Coo19840-919-872-76-X
The St. Martins TrainRuby M Cusack
Tales of the Rails Volume IVClayton D. Cook2005
Tracks Across the LandscapeBrian Campbell with A.J.B. Johnson1995
Tracks Across The MaritimesMichael MacKenzie19850-920612-18-0
Trackside NewfoundlandBill Linley20191-58248-680-8
Yesteryear - The St. Martins TrainRuby M Cusack1988

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