I collect various railroad paper memorabilia. The following is a list of what I have collected so far.
Employee Timetables
- Canadian National Railways employee timetables
- Canadian Pacific Railway employee timetables
- BC Rail / PGE employee timetables
- Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway employee timetables
- Ontario Northland employee timetables
- Algoma Central Railway employee timetables
- Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway (Moisie Division), June 16, 1963
- Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway (Moisie Division) / Wabush Lake Railway Company Ltd. #15, October 27, 1974
- Northern Alberta Railways #71, October 3, 1976
- Burlington Northern, Twin Cities Region, April 30, 1978
- Burlington Northern, Twin Cities Region, June 15, 1980
- Burlington Northern, Twin Cities Region, October 31, 1982
- Burlington Northern, Seattle-Portland Region, October 31, 1982
- Fox River Valley Railroad (FVRR) #2, January 1, 1990
- Great Northern Railway Company, Spokane Division #4 (August 15, 1968)
- Huron Central Railway #1 (July 29, 1997) and #2 (July 29, 1998)
- Napierville Junction Railway Company #62, October 27, 1991
- Northern Alberta Railways #71, October 3, 1976
- Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia (CB&CNS) #1, October 1, 1993
- Cape Breton Development Corporation (Devco Railway) #5, June 1, 1997
- Great Western Railway Ltd. and Fife Lake Railway Ltd., May 17, 2006
- Northern Plains Railroad & Mohall Railroad #4, May 15, 2005
- RaiLink Southern Ontario #1, September 20, 1997
- Chemin de Fer de Matapedia et Golfe (CFMG) #3, October 29, 2003
- Chemins de fer Québec-Gatineau Railway #1, November 11, 1997
- Chemins de fer Québec-Gatineau Railway #2, January 1, 2001
- New Brunswick East Coast Railway (NBEC) #5, October 29, 2003
- SRY Rail Link #8, January 2018
Public Timetables
- Canadian Pacific Railway annotated timetable July 19 1892 (reprint)
- Canadian National Railways local timetables November 22 1931
- CP Eastern Lines fall 1933
- Temiscouata Railway timetable #85 December 1 1933
- Temiscouata Railway timetable #96 April 25 1938
- CN 1939?
- CN spring 1940?
- CP Eastern Lines April 27 1941
- CN September 1942
- CP Eastern Lines September 27 1942
- CP Western Lines September 27, 1942
- Canadian National Railways November 29, 1942
- CN fall 1943?
- CP Eastern Lines April 30 1944
- Canadian National Railways local timetables August 12 1945
- Canadian Pacific Railway cross-country timetable June 20 1948
- Canadian National Railways system time tables April 24 1949
- Maine Central September 30 1951
- Northern Alberta Railways (NAR) timetables
- October 25, 1959 #49
- October 25, 1964 #59
- April 28, 1968 #66
- April 26, 1970 #68
- April 25, 1971 #69
- CP Rail System Freight Schedule, October 26 1980
- Many CN and CP public timetables (PDFs) from 1950s, 1960s, 1970s
- Many VIA Rail public timetables in PDF form
- Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway, October 27, 1968
- Various VIA Rail National Timetables (PDFs)
- Amtrak System Timetables – October 31, 2005; May 12, 2008
- Amtrak California San Joaquin Route, May 16, 1999
- Amtrak California Capitol Route, May 16, 1999
- SEPTA October 31, 2004
Miscellaneous Paper, CN
- CN Sydney Subdivision condensed profile, issued Moncton, NB 1979 revised 1981
- CN Hopewell Subdivision condensed profile, issued Moncton, NB 1979 revised 1981
- CN Car Control Manual, Halifax N.S. and area, issued June 1983
- CN Car Control Manual, Moncton, Saint John and southern N.B. area, issued October 1983
- CN Car Control Manual, Moncton, Saint John and southern N.B. area, issued January 1988
- CN Car Control Manual, Newcastle, Gort and Branch subdivisions, issued October 1983
- CN Car Control Manual, Edmundston N.B. (Monk, Napadogan and Temiscouata Subdivisions), issued January 1985
- CN Hamilton Yard Operations Manual, January 1990
- CN Winnipeg Line Car Control Manual, February 1994
- CN Rail Winnipeg Terminal Car Control, April 1990
- Canadian National Sarnia-Port Huron Operating Manual #1, December 9, 1990
- CN Fort Erie-Buffalo Operating Manual #2, December 9, 1990
- CN Gordon Yard (Moncton) Operating Manual, December 1990
- CN System Map, 2002
- Canadian National Railways Monthly Bulletin October 1, 1925
- CN General Operating Instructions (GOI) 1993 revision
- CN Rail Symington Division Operating Manual #1, June 1, 1982
- CN Winnipeg Terminal Operating Manual (Prairie Division), December 1, 2000
- CN Champlain District Train Handling
- CN Track Occupancy Permit (TOP) pad, blank
- CNR Time Return of Trainmen, St. Lawrence Region, 1962
- CNR Time Return of Trainmen, blank
- CN Diesel Unit Data Book, 1982
- Canadian National Railways Train Register, Alderdale & Beachburg Subdivisions, Brent Ontario 1953
- CN Rivers Subdivision Track Profile, 2008
- CN Best Practices Train Handling Guide, Rivers Subdivision, 2008
- CN Best Practices Train Handling Guide, Redditt Subdivision, 2009
- CN Best Practices Train Handling Guide, Albreda, Robson, Tete Jaune Subdivisions, 2010
- CN Best Practices Train Handling Guide, Ashcroft Subdivision, 2009
- CN Best Practices Train Handling Guide, Edson Subdivision, 2010
- CN Best Practices Train Handling Guide, Fraser Subdivision, 2009
- CN Station Names – Numbers and Junction Points, July 1, 1967
Miscellaneous Paper, CP
- CP Rail Track Warrant / Track Bulletin booklet
- CP Rail Train Dispatchers Track Occupancy Permit Record (blank)
- CP Rail system map
- CP Rail System Eastern Operating Unit (EOU) Track Map Book, Galt-Windsor Subdivision, March 1, 1996
- Canadian Pacific Summer Resorts “Down East” in Canada (the Algonquin, the Digby Pines, the Lakeside Inn, the Cornwallis)
- CP Rail Motive Power Summary, April 30, 1984
- Canadian Pacific Manitoba Service Area Monthly Operating Bulletin, April 1, 2001
- Canadian Pacific Manitoba Service Area Best Operating Practices & General Information Booklet, February 1, 2009
- Canadian Pacific General Operating Instructions (GOI), March 1, 2000 and May 17, 2004
- CP Rail Freight Equipment listing, July 1st, 1978
Miscellaneous Paper
- Various ICR, CN, CP clearances, train orders, letters etc.
- Uniform Code of Operating Rules (1962 revision)
- Standard Code of Operating Rules, revised to September 1980
- CB&CNS dispatch sheet, Port Hawkesbury NS
- Various ads from old magazines
- Canadian Railway Atlas Autumn 1990 (from RAC)
- Manitoba Pool Elevators 1960 Pocket Calendar
- Canadian Rail Operator Rules (CROR) May 28, 2008
- Canadian Government Railways Car Repair Cars (used), 1917
- Trains in Gaspesia calendar, 2013
- European and North American Railway Receipt Book, 1877-1880
- North Of ’54’, CN booklet on the Churchill line
- The National Transcontinental Railway, UCRS Bulletin 79-7 by Ron W. Layton
- OBE Video – ALL CHANGE! (CP’s Dominion Atlantic Railway to Windsor & Hantsport) (CD)
- OBE Video – Trains In Nova Scotia 2001 Volume 1 (CD)
- OBE Video – Sights & Sounds of Locomotives At Work In The Maritimes Volume 1 Alco/MLW/Bombardier (CD)
- National Geographic Video – Love Those Trains (VHS)
- Pentrex – From Sea To Sky (VHS)
- Pentrex – Those Incredible Alcos Volume 2 (VHS)
- Greg Scholl Video – Great Steam Trains Volume 2 (VHS)
- Revelation Audio-Visuals – VIA East/Maritime MLWs (VHS)
- Night Rails Video – Vol 7 – Salem & Hillsborough / Belfast & Moosehead Lake (VHS)
- The Maritime Express (March 1970; December 1970; June 1971; September 1971; Spring 1973; 1973-1974 issues), published by the Scotian Railroad Society
- Branchline (Feb 1996; Mar 1996; Apr 1996; Feb 1999; Dec 2000; Sep 2003 to present)
- Passenger Train Journals (Sep 1981, July 1984, Oct 1985, Nov 1985, Feb 1986, Aug 1987, Mar 1988, Jun 1989)
- CN Lines (Vol 9 #3; Vol 9 #4; Vol 10 #1; Vol 10 #3; Vol 11 #1; Vol 11 #3; Vol 12 #2; Vol 12 #3; Vol 12 #4)
- CP Tracks (Summer 1999; 8-3; 8-4; 9-1; 9-2)
- Canadian Rail (Nov 1969; Aug 1974; Sep 1979; Dec 1979; Jan 1980; Jan-Feb 1995; Jul-Aug 2002 to present)
- Various Railway Age, Canadian Railroad Modeler, Model Railroader, Railway Model Craftsman, Maritime Branchline issues
- Railfan & Railroad (Jul 1979; Sep 1980; Jan 2001; Feb 2003; April 2003)
- Trains (Sep 1963; Apr 1977; Aug 2000; Sep 2002; Feb 2004)
- RailNews (September 1997; June 1999)
- RAILPACE Jul 1987, Dec 1987 issues
- The Railroad Press/TRP (Jan-Mar 2004, Apr-Jun 2004)
- On The Right Track (NB Southern employee magazine) (August 1998)
- CN Movin’ (Jan-Feb 1973; Mar-Apr 1973; Nov-Dec 1975; May-Jun 1981; Jul-Aug 1981; Sep-Oct 1981; Nov-Dec 1981; Oct 2001; Winter 2002)
- Port of Halifax (Jan-Feb 1992; July 1992; September 1992)
- Railroad Explorer (Vol IV No I)
Books, Maritime-Related
See the separate page on my Atlantic Canada railway books.
Books, about Canada
See the separate page on my Canadian Railway books.
Books, General
See the separate page on General Railway Books
- Passenger Train Journal October 1977 issue
- RailNews March 1999
- Railfan & Railroad May 1980
I am happy to share scans of my timetables or non-copyrighted photos. Contact me!