BC Rail Timetables

The following are the British Columbia Railway / BC Rail employee timetables that I have collected over the years.

AreaNumberEffective Date
Pacific Great Eastern Railway76October 20, 1957
Pacific Great Eastern Railway78February 15, 1959
Pacific Great Eastern Railway90May 1, 1966
Pacific Great Eastern Railway92
British Columbia Harbours Board Railway2June 28, 1971
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority95ADecember 6, 1987
British Columbia Railway4November 20, 1977
British Columbia Railway5December 17, 1978
British Columbia Railway6October 28, 1979
British Columbia Railway7December 7, 1980
British Columbia Railway8June 14, 1981
British Columbia Railway9June 27, 1982
BC Rail11November 27, 1983
BC Rail13April 28, 1985
BC Rail15April 27, 1986
BC Rail16October 26, 1986
BC Rail17May 10, 1987
BC Rail18October 25, 1987
BC Rail19April 24, 1988
BC Rail23May 13, 1990
BC Rail1December 9, 1990
BC Rail2May 12, 1991
BC Rail3April 26, 1992
BC Rail (all subs except Port)4June 13, 1993
BC Rail7November 26, 1995
BC Rail8April 28, 1996
BC Rail10June 14, 1998
BC Rail (Port subdivision)109July 3, 2003

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4 thoughts on “BC Rail Timetables”

    • Hey Brad been a long time since you posted this hopefully you’ll see it. Wondering if you still have those time tables. Thanks!

  1. Not a lot online about Vancouver North / British Columbia Rail passenger services. This means I cannot reminisce over the missing links among my mementos. It was a great trip into the unknown for me, among towering grand scenery, and full of new experiences. It is sad that people today cannot gain similar memories. I travelled Vancouver North to Lolloet return in May 1980. I have a copy of the timetable here > Seton Lake on the cover.


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