When Canadian Pacific Railway unveiled their five commemorative locomotives on November 11, 2019, they were met with universal admiration for the great tribute to Canadian and United States armed forces. I am pleased to say that the book “Proud Colours” by Adam Meeks represents them well.

This book tells the story of Canadian Pacific’s long history of supporting the Canadian military in many ways, from CPR’s shops making munitions, tanks, and other materials; CP Ships serving the navy and merchant marine and paying the price; CP’s nascent air lines supporting the airplane ferry service across the Atlantic; and even today with CP providing reservists paid time off to serve and strong support for Spin 4 Vets.

While telling that story, the book also tells the story of the five locomotives, from the initial idea through the planning process, the meticulous painting process, and the unveiling at Ogden in Calgary on Remembrance Day 2019.
I was looking forward to the photography and I wasn’t disappointed. The book features photographs by many railfans, including Tim Stevens, Ken Storey, Michael Berry, Greg Sherwood, Stephen Host, Mark Perry, Chris Medland, Ryan Gaynor, Kevin Dunk, A.J. Shewan, Owen Laukkanen, David Gray, and many more. I’m glad there are so many great photos of the locomotives earning their keep “on the road”.
This is a great book. It’s a class act from start to finish, just like the locomotives. I’m glad I asked Santa to bring me a copy. Thank you, Santa!
This is a limited edition book, so hurry to the link below and get your copy. 100% of the proceeds from this book will be donated to the Homes for Heroes Foundation to provide housing for veterans.