In these trying times, it’s hard to stay positive. With the pandemic still raging – and here in Manitoba, worse than it ever has been – it’s difficult to see any silver lining.
I’m generally a positive, “things will work out” kind of guy. I don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on bad things that have happened to me. I accept that “stuff” happens and move on.
I admit these past several months have worn me down a bit. It’s hard to imagine that taking photos of trains and grain elevators really matters in the grand scheme of things.
Taking photos and writing about them makes me feel good, so that’s something.
Your Input
Your comments here make me feel good, too. I’m glad that people are reading and liking what I do.
I appreciate the shares on social media, too!
These comments, though… they don’t improve my mood!

Helping Others
The main thing that helps me feel good is to help other people and organizations, railway related or not. They can all use some “amplification” to get their message out to more people.
That’s why I advocate for railway organizations like Transport Action Canada, Operation Lifesaver, the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel… they all need volunteers and money to do their good work.
It’s also why I advocate for causes like Winnipeg Harvest, Christmas Cheer Board, Black Health Alliance, Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters, the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund… these are all great organizations that help people in need.
I’m sure you know more organizations that need help – leave a comment! I’ll try to feature them in future posts.
Just One More Thing
Speaking of amplifying, check out Eric Gagnon’s new book, “Smoke on the Waterfront“! This 75 page book is about the waterfront of Kingston, Ontario. I haven’t read the book yet – I ordered a copy this morning – but I’ve enjoyed his other six books, so I expect this will be just as well researched and engaging as his other books.
I don’t generally don’t comment very frequently on social media sites.
That said, I try to read all your posts, whether it be on trains or grain elevators.
Your posts have really great content, easily readable and and I like your style of writing.
I’ve also taken advantage of the links to other enthusiasts websites or books they have written.
I for one really appreciate all the effort you put in to bringing us these weekly posts.
So kudos to you for all your greater efforts and know that your work is not in vain.
And as you mentioned the writing and photo taking helps you feel good as well.
Good therapy in these trying times.
Looking forward to all you have to share with us readers.
Glen Schattner
aka ‘Busman’
Thanks so much, Glen! You’ve been a great supporter of this site.
I’m sad I don’t go to Sanford very much now that the elevator is gone.
Keep the posts coming. It’s good to see and learn about other parts of the country. I enjoy railfanning through your blog as I don’t get much opportunity to do so these days.
Thanks, Eric!
I appreciate your posts so keep them coming! Its nice to see pictures from a place I used to call home and see the tracks I used to work on.
Thanks, Joshua! I’m glad to share what I see and learn… and glad to hear you like reading it!
As we move through pandemic life I keep catching myself seeing its opportunities. In lamenting not seeing the friends I’d like to see I’m thinking about friends which invites a kind of humbling gratitude. Even when we can’t see people we can share a train and still experience that connection. That’s neat. I like it.
Maybe I’m becoming more conscious of the thought but now when I’m trackside I am thinking of my friends, wondering if maybe they’re also out waiting on a train, that their photos work out and what they’ll look like, and that they’re generally well.
Trains gives us a connection point even if just a proxy and that’s pretty powerful.
These rails connect more than freight origins and destinations – they connect people, don’t they?
I’ve become more mindful of the friends I have and maybe haven’t seen or communicated with in some time, and I’ve been trying to reach out more and not lose track of people. (track, see what I did there?) It’s easy to get wrapped up in current events but in the end it’s our relationships that really matter.