McAdam Train Station at Night

I was in Moncton, New Brunswick recently for business. After that was concluded, I headed to the Fredericton-Oromocto area to visit my mom. I hadn’t seen her since December 2019 due to COVID travel restrictions. I spent Friday afternoon and evening with her, then headed out around 9 PM. I was still internally on Manitoba … Read more

A Better Attitude

Steve burst into the kitchen, slamming the screen door behind him. As he stomped past his mother, up to her elbows in greasy dishwater, she cried out, “Hey! Improve your attitude!”

Chatham Junction

Station at Chatham Junction, NB

Occasionally I get an email from someone who needs some historical railway information. Sometimes it’s an author trying to confirm some details, or see what train was feasible for their character to take; often it is someone doing some research on their ancestors and trying to find out how they traveled across Canada. Recently I … Read more

A Visit to White River

The town of White River, Ontario is a small dot on the Trans-Canada Highway north of Lake Superior. It is known as the “birthplace” of Winnie the Pooh, and rail enthusiasts know it as the endpoint of the last public RDC service running in Canada, the Sudbury-White River train.

“New” David Othen Videos

I’ve uploaded some “new” David Othen videos to his YouTube channel. These are of course not new – since David died in September 2016 – but they were not previously shared on his channel before. Some of the content is in other videos on the site but these clips are “new”. Here’s a short (6m … Read more

Bamboo Container Flooring

I confess that I don’t pay a lot of attention to shipping containers. When two miles of double stacked containers roll by, my eyes glaze over a bit and I don’t look at individual containers. There are just too many and most are fairly generic.

Confessions of a Space Geek

My original train blog was called “Confessions of a Train Geek“. I chose that name because I’d been using the “traingeek” handle for several years prior to starting the blog in 2005. Since then, I’ve used the same “geek” handle for several places. I occasionally post at [Confessions of a] Model Train Geek, I wrote … Read more

CN’s ex Alstom GTW SD40-3 Locomotives

The Grand Trunk Western railroad started as the American arm of the Grand Trunk Railway. It became a subsidiary of the Canadian National Railways when the GTR was combined with the former Canadian Northern, the Intercolonial Railway and others by the Canadian government. In 1971 CN formed an American corporation, the Grand Trunk Corporation, to … Read more

CN Regina Line Car Control Manual

This is the CN Regina Line Car Control manual, dated June 15, 1981. It detailed the railway subdivisions around Regina, Saskatchewan including yards, sidings and industries. This include details on what customers were served by which pieces of track, and all tracks had a designation to allow CN to track rail car movements using their … Read more

Thanking My Blog Partners

I want to take a moment to thank my “blog partners”, other railway bloggers who have linked to my site, either in their sidebar or in their blog posts. I appreciate the referrals and here I would like to pay it back. Looking at my statistics, I see four different sites that have sent people … Read more