Steve, Meet STEVE

STEVE atmospheric phenomenon

I feel like I am refocusing. Not literally, of course. I used to enjoy making photos during the day. Apparently I don’t care very much for that any more. I’m not against it. I just don’t feel like doing it very often. I do like making photos at night! I love the big night sky. … Read more


Signal and shadow on a passing train at night

Another starry night and another photography session. It seems that going out at night to shoot with the stars is one of the few ways I like to photograph trains these days. So be it. I am doing what feels right.

Dark Deeds

Streaks of light on horizon at night

Over the past six months or so, with the help of my counselor, I’ve spent a lot more time doing things that I enjoy doing and a lot less time doing things that I think I should do. This includes railfanning, on both sides of the scale.

Ian and Bill Visit the West, Part 2

CN #314 on the Battle River trestle

Ian and Bill visited the CN Wainwright subdivision. They stopped at CN’s Battle River Trestle, an impressive structure to be sure. It’s 2,775 feet long and the deck is 195 feet above the river. It was completed at the end of 1908.

Ian and Bill Visit the West, Part 1

CP train outside Regina Saskatchewan

Long-time reader Ian Walker and his railfan partner Bill Hall visited the Prairie provinces early this summer, and sent along some photos. I’m sharing them here in a series with Ian’s notes.

Trains En Passant

CN locomotive and canola

I’ve always loved playing chess. When I was in school, I joined the chess club. I used to check chess books out of the library and study them. Spassky, Fischer, Lasker, Kasparov… names I knew well.

A Long Sprint

Two odometers

I recently had to made a quick road trip to Toronto. I’m not going to go into the reason for the trip, but I wanted to share a few observations and images from the run. It took me 36 hours and 30 minutes to drive to Toronto, and 35 hours and 25 minutes to drive … Read more

Out and Back on the Canadian

VIA Rail Train in Sioux Lookout Ontario

Well, I did it – I rode the VIA Rail Canadian to Sioux Lookout, Ontario and back to Winnipeg. It was a good trip and I’m glad I did it. The trip wasn’t without its anxiety-inducing moments, due to late trains… read on.