Storm Mountain Lookout

Freight train by the Bow River

Most Canadian railfans have heard about Morant’s Curve. This iconic location was the scene of many Canadian Pacific Railway promotional photos, drawings and paintings and is named after Nicholas Morant, the CPR’s most famous photographer. Today the Curve is fairly overgrown, and much of the open sweeping vista that Morant captured so well is blocked … Read more

Action at Castle Mountain

I was at Castle Junction in Banff National Park on July 7, trackside by the CP Laggan subdivision. After the Rocky Mountaineer passed by, I remained there, hoping for more trains. I had my scanner with me, and I heard a train leaving the Eldon siding west of me. I decided to move to the … Read more

The Rocky Mountaineer Resumes

Like most things in the world, the Rocky Mountaineer ceased operating during the pandemic. I believe most of their clientele comes “from away” and with the travel restrictions in place to limit the spread of COVID-19, the passengers just weren’t coming. With British Columbia and Alberta coming out of lockdown, it was time to start … Read more

CN Regina Line Car Control Manual

This is the CN Regina Line Car Control manual, dated June 15, 1981. It detailed the railway subdivisions around Regina, Saskatchewan including yards, sidings and industries. This include details on what customers were served by which pieces of track, and all tracks had a designation to allow CN to track rail car movements using their … Read more

Thanking My Blog Partners

I want to take a moment to thank my “blog partners”, other railway bloggers who have linked to my site, either in their sidebar or in their blog posts. I appreciate the referrals and here I would like to pay it back. Looking at my statistics, I see four different sites that have sent people … Read more

Prairie Dog Central, Movie Star, Part 2

In part 1 we followed the Prairie Dog Central’s train to downtown, where they were going to participate in the filming of The Porter, an upcoming CBC mini-series about Black railway porters. Picking up the story, they had just rolled past the station and had to back in from the north/east end. The head end … Read more

Prairie Dog Central, Movie Star, Part 1

The Prairie Dog Central Railway is a real gem, a great asset for the city of Winnipeg and surrounding areas. They entertain thousands of people every year on their trips between Inkster Junction and Grosse Isle, and occasionally they wander further (on GWWD tracks to Hadashville, for instance). In early June 2021, they roamed off their own rails and onto those of three of Winnipeg’s other railways.

May Surprises

Often when we go trackside, we get exactly what we expected – one or more trains, led by common locomotives and featuring the same ol’ same ol’ freight cars. Sometimes, though, we get something different. May 5 I recorded CP 7005 West passing the Viterra grain elevator near Rosser early on May 5th. The train … Read more

Strangers in Town

Here are a few “oddball” locomotives that have visited the Heart of the Continent, aka Winnipeg. Most of these are what we railfans call these “foreign power”, meaning locomotives that belong to railway X but running on railway Y’s rails.

School in the USSR

When my family lived in Moscow, USSR between 1977 and 1979, my sister and I went to a school called the Anglo-American School of Moscow. This was a 5 story concrete building that housed students from English speaking embassies, so this included Canadians, Americans, Australians, British and so forth. We were both attending grades 6 and 7.