Night Elevators

Grain elevator at night with aurora borealis

After seeing STEVE – and the rest of the aurora borealis – and the Milky Way – I still felt great, even at 1:30 AM. I decided to fulfill a long-held wish – photograph the Oberon grain elevator at night.

Steve, Meet STEVE

STEVE atmospheric phenomenon

I feel like I am refocusing. Not literally, of course. I used to enjoy making photos during the day. Apparently I don’t care very much for that any more. I’m not against it. I just don’t feel like doing it very often. I do like making photos at night! I love the big night sky. … Read more


Signal and shadow on a passing train at night

Another starry night and another photography session. It seems that going out at night to shoot with the stars is one of the few ways I like to photograph trains these days. So be it. I am doing what feels right.

Trains of Newfoundland – Coming Soon!

Trains of Newfoundland book cover

I’m very excited to hear that Ken Pieroway’s new book, “Trains of Newfoundland“, is due for release this month! Ken has written several books on railways and trams in Newfoundland, and this one promises to be another great one. You can read my review of Streetcars of St. John’s to see what great work Ken … Read more

Nineteen Years

Three Trains

I buy slides and negatives on occasion. Mostly I am looking for places I have been, or locomotives that interest me – GMD1s, RS18s or VIA F units, for example. I recently acquired a slide of a westbound CN train at Lac Baker, New Brunswick dated September 30, 2000. I was interested in that one … Read more

Retracing Your Route

Map of CN railway passenger routes in 1974

I get railway-related inquiries every few weeks via email. They found my web site and have a technical question about trains, or a question about railway history, or just want to say “hi”. Most frequently, I get a question like the one from Diane below. Often people are doing genealogical research and want to know … Read more

Dark Deeds

Streaks of light on horizon at night

Over the past six months or so, with the help of my counselor, I’ve spent a lot more time doing things that I enjoy doing and a lot less time doing things that I think I should do. This includes railfanning, on both sides of the scale.

Ian and Bill Visit the West, Part 2

CN #314 on the Battle River trestle

Ian and Bill visited the CN Wainwright subdivision. They stopped at CN’s Battle River Trestle, an impressive structure to be sure. It’s 2,775 feet long and the deck is 195 feet above the river. It was completed at the end of 1908.