A Spiritual Moment

I originally published this in September 2013, on my old Blogger site.

In the summer of 2013, we drove from Winnipeg to Banff to spend a week in the Rockies. We stopped in the Regina area going west and going east, and I took the opportunity to go see some trains while we were there. We were staying near Pense, Saskatchewan about halfway between Regina and Moose Jaw.

I set my alarm for “bright and early” on July 14 because I wanted to maximize my time before I had to be back for other activities during the day. I stepped outside just after sunrise and the combination of the fog and the sun on the horizon made me get my camera out and start shooting before I even left the driveway. This is my favourite of the shots.

There’s something about a misty morning sunrise.

I decided I wanted to shoot the grain elevators at Mortlach and Parkbeg, west of Moose Jaw, so I headed out on the Trans-Canada Highway.

At Belle Plaine, one can sometimes see a train waiting for a meet, and sure enough there was CP 9719 and CP 5959 waiting in the fog.

I didn’t hang around. I carried on past Moose Jaw, pausing to photograph this modern Cargill grain elevator just west of the city. The canola was in fine form that year.

After some more driving, I arrived in the small town of Mortlach. As prairie towns go, it was quite nice, with two intersecting main streets and a few local businesses in the town.

I found what I was looking for, the Paterson grain elevator. Unfortunately I missed the Saskatchewan Pool elevator, which was demolished in September 2011.

The Paterson elevator had a few beat-up gondolas beside it. It wasn’t looking very healthy.

After poking around for a bit, I found the angle I wanted. It had rained the night before, and there was a big puddle that I could use for a reflection.

After a short wait, I heard a horn in the distance. Soon CP 8773 East came rolling through. Wait… wait… click!

The train had the usual wall of containers, including a lot of Canadian Tire containers…

The mid-train engine was CP 8778.

That was a moment.

I have to share.

That was a transcendent moment for me. Everything just lined up so nicely – elevator, reflection, light and train – and I was so pleased with the photographs.

I’m not a religious person, but that was… spiritual.

Oh, here’s the video.

I have not been back to Mortlach. The last grain elevator was demolished in September 2019.

1 thought on “A Spiritual Moment”

  1. Nice shots! Thanks for sharing. I used to find southern SK so boring as a kid driving across. Now I think it is so beautiful, and your pictures really capture that. Not sure I’d have been able to make it past the sunrise to get to the tracks – really sublime!


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