Six o’clock already, I was just in the middle of a dream
I was shooting Frecciarossas by a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can’t be late, ’cause then I guess the light won’t be good
These are the days when you wish your batteries were already charged

Have to catch an early train, got to be at Costco by ten
And if I had my drone out, I still couldn’t make it take off
‘Cause it’s much too cold for the battery to hold a charge
Blame it on Winnipeg, why do people even live there?

It’s just another railfan Sunday (Ooh-oh)
Wish it were Saturday (Ooh-oh)
‘Cause then I’d have another day (Ooh-oh)
Another I-like-to-run-and-gun day (Ooh)
It’s just another railfan Sunday

I love the reference to running and gunning. When I was working at the newspaper in Peterborough in 2003-04, we often used that term for when the photog (always the photog) was out getting images for the next day’s paper. When he had his day off, the reporters had to run and gun in his place. Good memories. Wish I had turned my camera on the Kawartha Lakes Railway when I was there. Oh well.