A Spiritual Moment

In the summer of 2013, we drove from Winnipeg to Banff to spend a week in the Rockies. We stopped in the Regina area going west and going east, and I took the opportunity to go see some trains while we were there.

A Nice Night for Trains

I haven’t been very inspired to photograph trains, so I try to jump on any inspiration I do have. On June 26, 2024 I noticed that the eastbound Canadian was coming, I saw it was a lovely evening, and I decided to make some pictures.

A Happy Place

More and more, I’m finding that I just like to “be”. Rushing from location to location is fun and exciting, but there’s something to be said for taking the time to experience a place.

Drawn to the Rhythm

Photograph of Sarah McLachlan in concert in Kamloops BC

One of my first memories of Sarah McLachlan is listening to an interview while lying on a bed in my hotel room in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She was promoting her second album, Solace. She made a minor splash with her first album, Touch, with the catchy “Vox”. Her second album, my favourite, Solace, had three … Read more

Just What I Needed

I’ve been struggling lately, mentally.
The signs have been pretty obvious to me. I’ve been irritable. Tired. Feeling overwhelmed. A lot of that was work related… but not all.

Review: The School Car

Following on Ontario’s successful school rail car project, Newfoundland started a “School on Wheels” program where a mobile school traveled in a rail car and spent time in Newfoundland’s remote communities throughout the school year. “The School Car” by Randy P. Noseworthy tells the story.